Deep Shikha Srivastava
Deep Shikha Srivastava
PhD Student in Chemistry, UConn
Research Interests:
Interested in synthesis, nano-architecture, and application of conductive polymers and graphene-based composites.
Current Research:
The current project includes the synthesis of graphene and h-BN-based composites using SITM. These composites leverage the synergistic properties of both materials. The incorporation of h-BN into graphene mitigates issues related to graphene’s zero bandgap, enabling tunable electronic properties. Additionally, the thermal management capabilities of these composites are superior due to the high thermal conductivity of graphene and the thermal insulating properties of h-BN. Such composites are promising for heat dissipation in electronic and optoelectronic devices.
Another project focuses on the development of functional nanostructured materials comprising graphene oxide and butyl acrylate using ATRP and Click chemistry. The work includes synthesis, molecular design, functionalization, and characterization of materials.
- PhD in Chemistry, University of Connecticut, Expected 2026.
- MS in Inorganic Chemistry, BHU-India, 2009-2011
- BS in Chemistry, BHU-India, 2006-2009
Previous Work:
- Faculty at University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, CT, USA
- Lab Coordinator and Chemical Hygiene Officer at University of Saint Joseph, West Hartford, CT, USA
- Faculty and Lab Administrator at Capital Community College, Hartford, CT, USA
- Teacher at Rocky Hill and Hartford Public School, CT, USA
Contact Information:
- Email: deep_shikha(dot)srivastava@uconn(dot)edu
- LinkedIn: Deep Shikha Srivastava